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Mod Aeon MQ 8 Tajo
(2020-08-04, 01:04)Uploadergt Wrote: Hi mandfeed nice work with the skin. I have a question. The extrafanart Is not working. Not cycling

Muy structure Is

The movie inside of the carpet Is another carpet calle extrafanart AND the ítems extrafanart 1,2,3 But Is not working you can help me thanks

Thanks. The extrafanarts must be alongside the movie file and the rest of the artwork, not in an extrafanart folder.
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Mandfeed thanks yo responde I add the extrafanart with the movie but do you know how i have rename the files yo recognize kodi AND what formar accept excuse me for this question. Pd un skin i have enable extrafanart thanks for allá this work you do maybe i upload a video yo show mi kodi.
ignore this...
Can anyone advise why the top left area doesn't display anything.
(2020-08-20, 23:51)DarkEther Wrote: Can anyone advise why the top left area doesn't display anything.

I can help you muy friend
Wonderful skin thanks for your great work, I just have 3 question. in the movie section it does not show the artist art, is this something that I have to create myself? Is there a site where I can download this art? or How do I do that ?
I appreciate your answer in advance.
do you mean the top left of the screen like my screenshot in post 94?  If so I can get it to work on tv shows, just not movies. its via information then choose art.

I just dont know where to get the art from for the shows its missing, or the movies.
Thanks for answering
On the first page of this thread. where manfeed shows the video of the skin mq8 tajo. the view shellf 3d are shown( minute 0:19 of the video) The images of Ellen Page and Ken Watanabe (with a briefcase) of the movie Inception are displayed. this is what I mean, the  thumbnails or clearart of the actors are shown, but these images do not appear in my movie collection using the same view and the same movie.
only  appear the written names of the cast.
What do I have to do to get them to show up? 
thanks again i appreciate your help!
here the images:
manfeed video picture

Picture of my kodi
You have to install this addon to get actress images...


The other images are characterarts... that's more complicated, you can find information here...
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@manfeed could you have a look at link image and see if you could point me towards how I get the top left are populated on movies


for the TV shows that don't have anything available via "information" "choose art" for the how do i get them, it doesn't seem to be via like the posters and fan art
95% of the questions are about artwork issues... I really wish there was a magic solution for everyone, but the ugly truth is that, for the time being, in order to get a beautiful Kodi full of artworks, you have to put a lot of effort, read a lot and work hard, many things are completely manual...

I’m only a skinner, my aim is to take advantage of the artworks the user already has, so that they can look their best in the skin. Getting the artworks is a task for the user, and for sure, it will take you many hours. I recommend to read this...

...I’m going to be honest, if you find that complicated or think it’s too much hassle, you’ll never get a Kodi full of artworks, it’s that simple.
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Oh wow, so for the movies I need to have each movie in its own folder with a discart.png (for example) then I need to go into Information and Choose Art, add discart as an art type, then browse to the image.....for nearly 600 movies :o

ok so ive got that figured out..

Final question, so TV Shows seem to automatically have Poster, Fanart, Banner, characterart, clearart, clearlogo and landscape etc and automatically have options for the art.  Where does it pull that from, as some TV shows dont have art but I cant see it on themoviedb and it doesnt seem to be an option on that site.  Is it from somewhere else? (well it must be, I just dont know where)
You just can’t have things figured out so soon, that’s the point... another worthwhile reading...

If you have additional questions you’d better ask in the threads I mentioned, they are the true experts. Artwork is not related to any skin, when you get the images, they will show in whatever skin you happen to use...
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, please click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :)
Okay I see it!....  the support provided in this forum is very useful. thank you very much for your answer manfeed.
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Aeon MQ 8 Tajo2