Embruary helper error
Hi, ever since last skin update I am everytime I go to either movies or series getting embruary helper errors. I thought it was something I had screwed up but I just did a fresh kodi install and the problem persists.

The log shows this:


Help please?
Update the script from my private repo. The fix is not available on the Kodi repo yet. PR is submitted since 2< weeks but noone found time to review it I guess.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2019-10-30, 18:54)sualfred Wrote: Update the script from my private repo. The fix is not available on the Kodi repo yet. PR is submitted since 2< weeks but noone found time to review it I guess.

Thanks. It does not bother me much, I did not know if you were aware of this and thought it was better to report it.
Thanks, that's always the way to go. But I really suggest you to update from my repo. It's not the only issue that has been fixed. Plus it contains a much newer skin version.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2019-10-30, 19:05)sualfred Wrote: Thanks, that's always the way to go. But I really suggest you to update from my repo. It's not the only issue that has been fixed. Plus it contains a much newer skin version.

Cool! Because I love the skin.

Where do I find your private repo?
The "repo" link in my signatur points you to the downloadable zip.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2019-10-30, 19:08)sualfred Wrote: The "repo" link in my signatur points you to the downloadable zip.

Thanks!!!! Smile
I  just installed lastest version. It has a lot of new cool things, I will explore them later. Let  me know  if you need help translating anything to portuguese.
Hi, since last update I am having an embruary error, I think it is related to film/series genres.
Here is the log:


I think this has to do with  accentuated characters on genre types?

Help please?
Yes, can you give me a example of one of those genres to reproduce it on my end?
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
should be fixed now
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2019-11-21, 07:10)sualfred Wrote: Yes, can you give me a example of one of those genres to reproduce it on my end?

In Portuguese, action write as  "Acção"; Scifi "Ficção Científica". I will  try the fix and get back  to you.

(2019-11-21, 08:08)sualfred Wrote: should be fixed now

Updated from you repo, both skin and embruary helper but it is not fixed.
log again please. I've testet it with "á" and it worked for me.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2019-11-21, 16:26)sualfred Wrote: log again please. I've testet it with "á" and it worked for me.

Probably some  other char  missing... here is the log


My film genres with accented chars  are as follows:

"Acção",  "Animação", "Ficção Científica",  "Família",  "Comédia", "Documentário", "História"

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