Possible to add and or split database to include 4K?
I have been wondering if an added database could be included for the higher resolution tv and movies coming out in 4k. Instead on a single myvideos db for all couldn't a mytv db and a mymovies db, then adding a separate for my4k db?
I have been struggling with seperating the newer content form the standard content, at least in TV shows. I have tried nodes and smartplay lists all with the same results. If I have a standard tv show and add the 4k show the database picks up the new episodes but creates duplicates in the standard folder. So I now have a standard episode along side the 4k episode. So if an added database for 4k were added, I do think the call to Kodi would be easier to distinguish the difference between standard and 4k. 

Maybe this is not necessary and I am just too stupid to figure it all out. But have spent a lot of time trying to get this to work. I have set up test machines to try all the different methods but have yet come across something that just works. With over 4000 movies titles and over 21000 tv episodes I don't want to try anything until I am sure it will work.

(2019-11-13, 18:23)Harro Wrote: I have been struggling with seperating the newer content form the standard content, at least in TV shows.
For now we are still using a single video database, which contains "everything": movies, tv shows/episodes, loose local video files, played youtube files, actors, musicvideos... and more. There could be an advantage in using a dedicated my_television database, but there are also disadvantages because of the nature of the current Kodi relational database. Linked tables, and so on.

(2019-11-13, 18:23)Harro Wrote: If I have a standard tv show and add the 4k show the database picks up the new episodes but creates duplicates in the standard folder. So I now have a standard episode along side the 4k episode.
Personally I would place 4K TV episodes in their own TV show folder. You can change the TV show (sort) title via Kodi's GUI menu, and define it as the 4K variant.
Also you could select the 4K episodes via smart playlists.

PS: the URL/link your signature points to a 2012 hardware setup. You may want to update that info...
(2019-11-13, 18:23)Harro Wrote: If I have a standard tv show and add the 4k show the database picks up the new episodes but creates duplicates in the standard folder.
See here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=349163
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(2019-11-13, 19:15)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-11-13, 18:23)Harro Wrote: I have been struggling with seperating the newer content form the standard content, at least in TV shows.
For now we are still using a single video database, which contains "everything": movies, tv shows/episodes, loose local video files, played youtube files, actors, musicvideos... and more. There could be an advantage in using a dedicated my_television database, but there are also disadvantages because of the nature of the current Kodi relational database. Linked tables, and so on
(2019-11-13, 18:23)Harro Wrote:  
Personally I would place 4K TV episodes in their own TV show folder. You can change the TV show (sort) title via Kodi's GUI menu, and define it as the 4K variant.
Also you could select the 4K episodes via smart playlists.

PS: the URL/link your signature points to a 2012 hardware setup. You may want to update that info...  
Thanks for the response.
I do have the 4k TV shows on a different source and thought with the smart playlists or with nodes it would sort them out. What I have found out is that if I have the show already in the database, when scanning for new content, the 4k show does not show up except for the new 4k shows. The duplicate shows are now duplicate episodes under the original show title in TV shows. I know you may wonder why 2 identical shows and since I also run a plex server for my family, my server is not strong enough to transcode the 4k if accessing my stuff outside my network. At home I can handle 4k fine on my projector.

I updated photo's on my sig but the hardware is basically the same except for 8 & 10 TB drives now.
(2019-11-13, 20:33)Karellen Wrote:
(2019-11-13, 18:23)Harro Wrote: If I have a standard tv show and add the 4k show the database picks up the new episodes but creates duplicates in the standard folder.
See here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=349163 
I am working on this now.
I have deleted all my nfo's on the 4k shows since I don't have many.
Just an update on this: I have gotten the standard and 4k TV shows to show in their own respective folders. This was a time consuming project and something that the Kodi devs might address in the future with the onslaught of 4K and beyond.  Might be something when adding source, Movie, TV Show, Music, Music Video and UHD. Just ideas on my end. Thanks everyone for ideas and help.
If you have separate resolutions of the same show, which could be useful for copying some to mobile devices, why not have Kodi show the highest resolution available, whether it's 4k, 1080, 720, or 480?  So if you have 4 separate resolutions of a single episode, and that's the only difference, then show the 4k first and only, not the same episode 4 times.
(2019-11-14, 21:51)JJohnson74656 Wrote: If you have separate resolutions of the same show, which could be useful for copying some to mobile devices, why not have Kodi show the highest resolution available, whether it's 4k, 1080, 720, or 480?  So if you have 4 separate resolutions of a single episode, and that's the only difference, then show the 4k first and only, not the same episode 4 times.

The whole purpose of what I am trying to accomplish is have a 4k menu item for tv and movies. Movies are no problem but doing a library update will put the 4k tv shows alongside the standard shows, creating multiple episodes in the library. If there was a easy way to separate those shows , a person could have a separate menu item showing only those 4k shows. It would have it's own fanart, covers etc... associated with that 4k folder.
(2019-11-14, 22:34)Harro Wrote:
(2019-11-14, 21:51)JJohnson74656 Wrote: If you have separate resolutions of the same show, which could be useful for copying some to mobile devices, why not have Kodi show the highest resolution available, whether it's 4k, 1080, 720, or 480?  So if you have 4 separate resolutions of a single episode, and that's the only difference, then show the 4k first and only, not the same episode 4 times.

The whole purpose of what I am trying to accomplish is have a 4k menu item for tv and movies. Movies are no problem but doing a library update will put the 4k tv shows alongside the standard shows, creating multiple episodes in the library. If there was a easy way to separate those shows , a person could have a separate menu item showing only those 4k shows. It would have it's own fanart, covers etc... associated with that 4k folder. 
I could understand that line of thinking also.  Perhaps have Kodi have two or three options: (1) separate out different resolutions (or languages) into separate shows; (2) hide lower resolutions within the same show in deference to higher resolutions; (3) current default of showing duplicates within the same show.  Everyone wins
Something similar is already in the works... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/14972

It was hoped this would make it in for v19, but seems the developer has drifted away. Hopefully he makes a fast and furious comeback.
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(2019-11-14, 23:16)Karellen Wrote: Something similar is already in the works... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/14972

It was hoped this would make it in for v19, but seems the developer has drifted away. Hopefully he makes a fast and furious comeback.
I am starting from scratch on my database. New install on the N2 this morning, set all my options up and have been scanning in just my regular TV and Movies for 5 hours now and it is still scanning. Glad I export all info. Once my scan is done will work again on setting up 4k menu items. Smile
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Possible to add and or split database to include 4K?0
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