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Release TVDB - TV Show scraper (XML)
Mine partially worked. Talking Dead new episode showed up. But The Walking Dead still doesn't import the new episode. I also have S3 of American Horror story added, but artwork for the episodes show up, but no cover art for the show or background. Running the 3.2.0 TVDB and 18.5 Kodi on a Nvidia Shield.

Check items 1e, 1f and 1g here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=336969

If they are not the problem, please provide a Debug Log which captures an Update Library with debug mode enabled.
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Dear support

thank you for job and for your reactivity but scrapping for TVDB do not work for me : 

metadata.tvdb.com-3.2.0 for Krypton and higher is now available.
metadata.tvdb.com-2.1.0 for Jarvis and earlier versions is now available

Because i have SPMC 16.7-04 i hope that a next update will save my life... all my tv show poster are down.

A next update for TVDB metadata add on will be update for SPMC ? with the KODI official repository ?

thank by advance !


There are no plans to release another fix until all works at TVDB are completed.

Please provide a Debug Log which captures the problems you are having.
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any word how long untill TVDB is done messing around?
Nope. You would be better off monitoring the TVDB forum, but there is not a lot of information being passed on by the Admins. Just the occasional update.
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So for my issue with spmc, i'm Alone. No update
Waiting an hypothetical update or give UP ?! Waiting the koying return ?

For each update From tvdb, we have weeks of issues so now, i will scrap my TV show by my self. I found a good software to do the job, if you are interrested, tell me.
We have nothing to do with spmc... I am not sure what you are expecting from us here?!
(2019-11-23, 15:28)olympia Wrote: We have nothing to do with spmc... I am not sure what you are expecting from us here?!

Thanks for your"reply"... Spmc and Kodi have the same kernel and same issue (when a site as tvdb decide to update for the 3 Time her api.)

No answer From Kodi staff, no answer From spmc staff, no answer From tvdb.

The only soltion, cross my fingers and wait an Addon update...
SPMC has been basically abandoned, there is almost certainly going to be no updates for it.

What Olympia meant was that SPMC is a Kodi fork, so is no longer our code and is not maintained or supported by us. If it no longer works with the scrapers that it has then basically it no longer works unfortunately and you will need to seek another solution.

Kodi is supported by us, and we will work with TVDB once they finish breaking things to get things working again with Kodi. What others do or don't do with their forks is entirely up to them.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2019-11-21, 20:58)Karellen Wrote:
(2019-11-21, 17:51)Simkin84 Wrote: I get no IMDb ratings on new scraped tv shows, and no one on single episodes either
That is a known issue still to be fixed by TVDB. Use the Light IMDB Ratings add-on.
(2019-11-21, 17:51)Simkin84 Wrote: And on fanart i cant see the pictures when scrolling down the list,
Cannot replicate that, but another member has mentioned it also. A lot of artwork at TVDB is blocked, so most likely related to that. 
Steps to reproduce:
1 Refresh existing TV Show "from the internet" (no need to refresh "for all episodes")
2 Try changing fanart. List only shows place holders - no preview available.
1 Try scraping info for newly added TV Show
2 Try changing fanart. List only shows place holders - no preview available.
Replacing Line 419 with the contents of https://pastebin.com/UzLtGqFg should fix the previews.
(Can't post it directly, it triggers some sort of forum protection.)
(2019-11-24, 14:03)scudlee Wrote: Replacing Line 419 with the contents of https://pastebin.com/UzLtGqFg should fix the previews.
(Can't post it directly, it triggers some sort of forum protection.)

@scudlee Many thanks!
Pushed at https://github.com/xbmc/repo-scrapers/pull/158
Thanks a lot. Works.
So after deleting a few shows and re-adding them to my library the 3.2.0 was working great scraping everything the 3.2.1 broke scraping new episodes. curious what changed?
Running Matrix Titan Bingie Mod skin on Nvidia Shield to Insignia 58in 4k TV in living room. Same setup on Xiaomi Mi boxes in my bedroom and home gym. Same setup in camper with a 24in tv, Google Pixel 7 Android 13 cell phone. Kodi and Plex Server Dell Inspirion 5575 Ryzen 5 HTPC Windows 10 with 5TB external HDD
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