Kodi 18.5 crashes using Android 10
So, ones I updated my oneplus7 Android system from pie to 10, my Kodi crashes every time I am trying to stream live tv using internetowa.tv.
I contacted internetow.tv and they stated that addon works good w/ all platforms and there has to be so incompatibility between kodi 18.5 and Android 10.
This is link to download addon internetowa.tv  but you need to pay sub to make it work.
This is my log file:


If anyone could help me with that I would appreciate it

Thank you

Enable ffmpeg + videoplayer + audio component logging and reproduce again.

The addon seems to pass a nullptr to our demuxer. Ask the addon author to fix that and provide him a log with the stuff enabled I asked for - he will need it.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

Please follow these instructions to create the log... https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file/Easy

What you PM'd me is not the log, rather it is the add-on. But that was useful as I was able to locate where the add-on comes from.

It is hosted here... https://github.com/mbebe/blomqvist
And you report problems to the add-on developer here... https://github.com/mbebe/blomqvist/issues
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Ohh boy...
Just learning staff.
I will do it. I will have to TMobile store to do it again 🙂.
I went back to Android pie to able to avoid kodi crash.

Again...thank you for your help guys
(2019-12-19, 22:38)fritsch Wrote: Enable ffmpeg + videoplayer + audio component logging and reproduce again.

The addon seems to pass a nullptr to our demuxer. Ask the addon author to fix that and provide him a log with the stuff enabled I asked for - he will need it.

Call me newbie but I have no clue how to enable ffmpeg + videoplayer + audio component
Settings/System/Logging. Under "Debug", check "Enable Component-Specific Logging", then "Specify Component-Specific Logging..."

See if this works for you~

The issue seems to be system/Kodi wide on android 10. I experience crash when trying to watch live video from Sky News. Please see the log file, hopefully it will be helpful to determine the problem and the add-on used is not a banned one as it comes from official Kodi repo.

I know there are many many other addons that have problems with Android 10 live tv.
Not many peeps have updated to Android 10 yet.
Not sure 100%, but its seems to be, that issue is with m3u8 streams. Maybe updating m3u8 in official repo would help? (0.3.7 in repo vs 0.5.3 on dev page)
Contacted with development of the addon, sent him a log and this what he said:
"It seems to be a Kodi issue, the url looks good and Kodi crashes after the playback begins."

Please good smart kodi developers, look at the log and try to fix the issue. There is something wrong with m3u8 streams live addons.
Provide the Debug Log as asked for (with component logging enabled).
Additionally provide adb logcat

Without those no one can help you. From the looks it is an addon problem with "plugin.video.internetws" - also contact the addon author.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Hi all,

İ have the same problem as @net1.
When i playing any stream video it crashing.
This happen after uldate my oneplus6t to android 10.
So then, perhaps you can provide the needed logfiles I asked for 2 weeks ago
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I posted log in post #10 my friend. I didn't posted for 2 weeks because I had do go to TMobile store to reproduce the error.
Hopefully I did right way with kodi log.

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Kodi 18.5 crashes using Android 101