Kodi movie posters + font wrong aspect ratio after switching window / full screen
If Kodi is in full screen mode
then I press the "\" key to switch to window mode
then press the key again to go back to full screen mode

I noticed that the Kodi movie posters + font is now in wrong aspect ratio 
so the posters look like they are cut off and font is more squashed

Any way to fix this problem or this is a bug?
I haven't seen that when using \ to go back and forth between windowed and fullscreen, I only seen it happen if I resize the window while in windowed mode.

What solves it for me is to map ReloadSkin() to button, this reloads the active skin thus forcing it to account of the changed display.
(2019-12-20, 02:11)jjd-uk Wrote: I haven't seen that when using \ to go back and forth between windowed and fullscreen, I only seen it happen if I resize the window while in windowed mode.

What solves it for me is to map ReloadSkin() to button, this reloads the active skin thus forcing it to account of the changed display.

Wouldn't it be better if kodi automatically run the ReloadSkin() function whenever a switch between window and fullscreen mode event occurred?

This would save us from needing to remap a button and also pressing it each time this problem occurred?

So is this a bug?
(2019-12-20, 03:16)madmax2 Wrote: So is this a bug?
I don't have this issue, changing from full screen to windows all graphics are in perfect aspect, change the window aspect and graphics move around (skin dependant and graphic display requirement) Kodi remembers this aspect next launch. Windows mode is pretty much for maintenance, to multi-task the environment and as Kodi is home theatre software, it's meant to be used in that manner. Have a problem with subtitles, I encourage re-encoding with hard subs.

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Kodi movie posters + font wrong aspect ratio after switching window / full screen0