Android kodi 18.5 mediacodec on / off ; stuttering cropping issues on mt5887 philips tv
sorry please delete this threat... Just saw this thread here. Which is exactly my problem. sorry for double posting.

I am using kodi 18.5 on android tv. In general everything is working like a charm.
- UHD with HDR is working
- live tv over tvheadend is working 

On some files I noticed two issues:
1) 1080p file some weird stuttering every few frames or maybe "delayed frames". I don't know how to describe ...
2) some 1080p files are cropped in a weird way. 

Looking for the issue I tried to turn off both "Media Codec options" in variations.
Turning off media codec solves the cropping problem (black borders are smaller and picture not compressed) and the stuttering does not occur either. 

I created two logs for each example in debug mode, maybe someone can help.

Thanks in advance.

stuttering media codec on:
stuttering media codec off:

cropping media codec on:
cropping media codec off:

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kodi 18.5 mediacodec on / off ; stuttering cropping issues on mt5887 philips tv0