Compile Kodi without Binary Addons

I'm following this guide to compile the last stable Leia 18.5:
I've done all the steps, only changing the command to clone the git by:
git clone -b 18.5-Leia kodi
I've compiled with success the apk, and I've tried it and it's working correctly.

My problem is that I don't know how to compile it without including all the binary addons listed here:
I've tried to do it skiping the step on the guide related with binary addons build, but the binary addons are also included inside the final apk, increasing its size to 122MB, so it doubles the size off the oficial 18.5 apk.
On the official 18.5 apk these addons are not included (I think) so I want to do the same for my custom Kodi apk. Anyone can help me please?

My host platform is Ubuntu, and the target platform is android armv7.

I have the same problem building v21 Omega Android arm7. By builds include all the addons making it double the size of official Kodi nightly apk.

Did you ever find a solution? Can anyone help please?
Just dont do step 6 If you dont do that step, addons arent built.
Does not building addons somehow still include the ‘core’ addons included in the official Kodi app?
The only add-on that's considered core (and built for most platforms) is peripheral.joystick
Thanks. I used ‘core’ to refer to the add-ons distributed with the official Kodi Android build apk.

Do you know where the list of addons to include is defined or maybe I can manually delete the ones I built that aren’t in the official apk and build rebuild the apk if it’s just using every add-on in a folder?
Just do a git clean (or do a new checkout)
Thank you!

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