Solved Kodi Build Issue;
So I'm just getting back into building my own Kodi from source, after not having done it since around the early version 15 days - and i seem to have some graphical issues;
The build process completed successfully, it installs fine... but then i seem to have some graphical bugs - mainly no cursor icon (i know the mouse works, cause if i use the scroll wheel the text in the center changes).
Additionally as you can see - there's no indication of what menu option you're currently on... so basically some graphical things are missing.

Im building Kodi 18.6, i have Visual Studio 2017 Community (with all requirements), Git, CMake, Java & Nullsoft installed - and everything is in the system path.
My Machine: Ryzen 5 2600, 16GB RAM, Cosair Force MP510 NVMe SSD, Radeon RX 570 4GB GPU (With Radeon Drivers installed), Windows 10 Pro 64bit 'N Edition'.

As i wasn't sure if this could possibly be a DirectX issue, i installed the June 2010 DirectX SDK (even though i understand this is now built into the Windows SDK) - i only installed this, as my first build had this same issue, so then i installed the old DX SDK, but after redoing the entire build from scratch (including cloning the source again)... ive still got the same graphical issues.

I will admit, the Win 10 'N Edition' has created a few headaches... like i wanted to play AoE which uses the XBox services which weren't installed, so i had to powerscript those... so im left wondering if possibly N Edition left something out of my version which i need for building Kodi?

thanks for any suggestions.
do you have the media files
it may be quicker to try a new skin
(2020-03-03, 14:41)the_other_guy Wrote: do you have the media files
it may be quicker to try a new skin

Why would i need to download the skin separately? - its built into the source;
Yes the image in post #1 does look incomplete with some of the gfx missing. I suggest downloading the executable install from the link top left of this page, and install via portable mode and compare. You could try an alternate skin which installs as an addon which may determine if the issue is only skin deep (sorry I couldn't resist).
So i downloaded the estuary skin from its source, added that to what i had, rebuilt the exe - and still having the same issue;
I then realized the source i was grabbing was actually 19.0 Alpha - so i grabbed the Leia 18.6 final, built that, and that also has the same issue.

So i think ive determined the issue isn't the skin, nor the version... so im wondering if its the AMD drivers or the RX 570 GPU somehow?
So I'm going to swap in an old Geforce 720 GPU, install the nVidia drivers and see how that comes out.

At the moment i think its not worth trying to build with another skin - as i suspect that will have just the same kind of issues;

And beyond all that, if it still has the same issue when built with the Geforce 720 GPU, then I'll look at trying to upgrade from Windows 10 N to a non-N version of Windows.
@BlissSol get official build and try it, if it has the same issue - then it's your OS/gfxcard/drivers.
If it doesn't - than it's something in your build environment.
And btw providing a link to the Debug Log when troubleshooting a problem is a must ...
Here's a debug file:
(2020-03-06, 11:28)BlissSol Wrote: Here's a debug file:

There's a bunch of missing textures starting at line 396. Looks like the file paths are corrupted somehow.
i think i found this issue... but i have no idea why it happened or what caused it;
Looking thru the folder: \Program Files\kodi\addons\skin.estuary\media - and the folder is bare
it would appear this didn't get compiled with the source (as that folder is full of stuff in the source)

What the Media folder looks like for Kodi installedr:

What the Media folder looks like in the source im compiling from;

My intention with my own build is to change the default skin, but i figure it's probably best to make sure everything builds\installs\runs as normal before modifying.
And if the media folder is being skipped\missed during the build, then id believe it would also happen with another skin.
I know alot of things hate spaces in names (like the username for my system), so i might even do a build at the root of my hard disk... something like c:\kodi  and see if its any happier in building then.
If i have the same issue, I'll upgrade from Windows N Pro to Windows Pro & try and build again.
(2020-03-06, 11:34)Cinephile Wrote:
(2020-03-06, 11:28)BlissSol Wrote: Here's a debug file:

There's a bunch of missing textures starting at line 396. Looks like the file paths are corrupted somehow. 
Looks to me like your build didn't trigger TexturePacker.  You can use that stand-alone if all you want to do is modify the skin stuff.  See for info.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2020-03-03, 14:41)the_other_guy Wrote: do you have the media files
it may be quicker to try a new skin
well it looks like you did not HAVE THEM
If all you want to do is alter Estuary then you do not need to build from source at all. Just copy the skin.estury folder from your Kodi install, change folder name and addon.xml to match, then copy back modified files.
Or perhaps you meant change the default skin from Estuary to something else, in which this needs to altered which again can be done with no compiling necessary.
I've fixed the problem - and was able to do a successful build;

The solution was to do the build in a folder, in the root of the drive;

My guess would be that Texture Packer either can't handle long folder names (designed for early versions of FAT32 or NTFS?), or folder names with spaces in them.
(the build process will handle spaces, if you just use something like \Daniel~1\ which shortens it... but maybe Texture Packer ignores this?)

Oh... and while you can't see the cursor icon (due to windows screen capture), it is now present, where it wasn't before.

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Kodi Build Issue;0