Kodi not working after install
I believe it is a issue with it trying to display itself but idk how to fix it here is the log file out put
link for log output code
i have deleted .kodi and restarted kodi and it didn't fix it
I am trying to get it to display on a touch screen display at a resolution of 1024x600
2020-05-04 16:03:14.598 T:2972691552 NOTICE: ARM mem: 896MB GPU mem: 128MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0

Set GPU_mem to 256, or if that fails, bump it to 320.
(2020-05-05, 01:50)krico123 Wrote: link for log output code

Are you mixing up different log files..?

2020-05-04 16:03:14.510 T:2972691552 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org v3.1.0 installed
2020-05-04 16:03:14.510 T:2972691552 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.xbmc.org v3.1.6 installed

2020-05-04 16:03:14.390 T:2972691552 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer
2020-05-04 16:03:14.390 T:2972691552 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer

And you really need that cache setting in the advancedsettings.xml file?
(2020-05-05, 05:51)Klojum Wrote:
(2020-05-05, 01:50)krico123 Wrote: link for log output code

Are you mixing up different log files..?

2020-05-04 16:03:14.510 T:2972691552 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.tvshows.themoviedb.org v3.1.0 installed
2020-05-04 16:03:14.510 T:2972691552 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.xbmc.org v3.1.6 installed

2020-05-04 16:03:14.390 T:2972691552 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer
2020-05-04 16:03:14.390 T:2972691552 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer

And you really need that cache setting in the advancedsettings.xml file? 
I dont believe i mix log files if so please let me know i pulled that from kodi.log where
once i have created the advancedsettis.xml file under userdata and put the code from the kodi wiki on it under 2.8.4 cache in the file is that what you are saying
(2020-05-05, 02:19)ActionA Wrote:
2020-05-04 16:03:14.598 T:2972691552 NOTICE: ARM mem: 896MB GPU mem: 128MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0

Set GPU_mem to 256, or if that fails, bump it to 320.

I tried this and it didn't work still didn't display i also turned it up higher and same result
Which video driver are you using? For now on the Pi 4 you have to use the fkms driver for Kodi.
(2020-05-05, 20:32)rascas Wrote: Which video driver are you using? For now on the Pi 4 you have to use the fkms driver for Kodi.

it is a custom driver for a touchscreen display i am using this display and this driver 

LCD touchscreen https://www.uctronics.com/index.php/disp...river.html

Driver from github https://github.com/UCTRONICS/UCTRONICS_HDMI_CTS
Where it says "For Pi4B", you cannot comment the line with "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d". This disables the Mesa/OpenGL driver on the RPi 4 and is not recommended. On the RPi 4, Kodi only works with the fkms driver.
If with that line uncommented the display/touchscreen doesn't work, you have to ask the vendor for Mesa driver support.

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Kodi not working after install0