Need something to make my movie wall look better
There was a addon that made the movie wall look better and more informative but doesnt work now (sorry came across it but have since lost the link) i downloaded my movie covers but was wondering if there are any good add ons to make it look even more better.

You didn't give us a lot to go on in your post as to indicate what you had, or what kind of improvement and the expectations you have. Various different skins can mean a world of difference, it might be worth trying out a few along with associated add-ons.

Irregardless, this area of the forum is specifically for 'windows' support issues, I'll move this post along to the Meta-Data provider and Artwork Pack.
(2020-06-19, 17:08)PatK Wrote: You didn't give us a lot to go on in your post as to indicate what you had, or what kind of improvement and the expectations you have. Various different skins can mean a world of difference, it might be worth trying out a few along with associated add-ons.

Irregardless, this area of the forum is specifically for 'windows' support issues, I'll move this post along to the Meta-Data provider and Artwork Pack.

Sorry for late reply , i was looking into my own build and came across a guy and his movie wall was much more informative and just looked cool.

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Need something to make my movie wall look better0
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