Change air mouse button actions
I purchased an air mouse, here , that has a back button.  When clicked it has the same action as ESC on a keyboard.  I would like to change that action to be the same as BACKSPACE or BACK on a keyboard.  If I am in a TV show looking at episodes I want to go back the season list instead of the main menu.  The only thing I can find for changing devices refers to gamepads.
Keymap Editor should let you do this.
I found that right after I posted, thanks.  I do have a related question now.  In Keymap editor I can find that I can map the power button on the remote to shutdown but how do I map to the entire power menu? edit.  Interesting, I cannot assign anything to that button.  Either it is separate from everything else, or broken. Oh well.
The Power button on the remote can be a tricky one, by default it's usually mapped to shutdown the device, so trying to do it will just power down your system! I know people have successfully done it, probably by finding out the key id and mapping it in the xml file. But I'm not sure how you'd find the key id, perhaps someone else could help though.
If you mean the key ID in Kodi, enable debug logging and then any key received by Kodi will be in the debug log (wiki). this is true for any keypress that Kodi receives.

The question would be of course whether it would be received in time if the device itself is shut down by the button, and of course even if Kodi does receive it then it could be immaterial if the device also intercepts it and shuts down anyway.
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