v18 Delete recording directly from TV/Recordings window?
Is there an action that can be mapped to a single keystroke to delete a highlighted recording in the TV/Recordings view? Up until now, I've gone through the context menu to do that. But I almost never want to do anything other than delete the recording. It would be quicker and more convenient if a single keystroke could accomplish this.

Towards that end I've copied over /Applications/Kodi.app/Contents/Resources/Kodi/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml to /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/keyboard.xml and modified the latter file. 

Custom modifications made to the   <FullscreenVideo> <keyboard> section seem to work as expected. However, keystrokes listed in the <TVRecordings> <keyboard> section don't appear to work: the delete, r and k keys seem to have no effect. Is this the proper section to accomplish the task?

What Kodi action is used to delete the recording when using the context menu? Could that same action be used to delete the recording from the TV/Recordings view?

Edit: I was able to figure it out. Examining the debug log, I could see that Kodi was seeing a press of the backspace key even though I was pressing the "delete" key on my Apple keyboard. Replacing the line <delete>Delete</delete> with <backspace>Delete</backspace> in the section <TVRecordings> <keyboard> did the trick.

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Delete recording directly from TV/Recordings window?0