Rar:ed TV shows not added to library (Rar archive support
I am running LibreElec Leia 18.8 on my Raspberry Pi 4, and I am having issues getting rar:ed TV shows show up in my library. Movies show up fine whether they are rar:ed or as mkv-files, but for TV shows only the mkv-files show up. I can find and watch the rar:ed episodes fine if I go to them via the file system.
I've got Rar archive support installed, created by @spiff  if I'm not mistaken?
I recently re-installed Kodi on my pi. It worked fine and all episodes showed up before, and I am fairly certain I had the same version of LibreElec and Kodi then. My folder structure has not changed, if that might have anything to do with it (TV shows/Show name/Season x/Episode).
I can't for the life of me figure out why the movies are found but the TV shows are not.

Does anyone recognize this or have any idea of what is wrong?

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Rar:ed TV shows not added to library (Rar archive support