Missing file asound.state

I reduced the volume with amixer -c 1 sset Digital 80%. This setting is lost after reboot. When I try to store the setting with alsactl store, I get the following error message:
alsactl: save_state:1626: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: No such file or directory. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
This is "Kodi on pi" subforum, not "everything pi" forum.
This question is better asked on the forum of whatever OS you might be using.
When asking questions it is better to provide at least some basic info about your setup, crystal balls are expensive and very hard to come by these days.
I'm using LibreELEC 9.2.4, wich was made especially for Kodi on Pi. But thanks for your hint, I found the solution in the LibreELEC forum. For everyone who is interested in it: alsactl store -f /storage/.config/sound.conf.

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Missing file asound.state0