Sound -drop?

Some videos results in recurrent sound-drop. The drop lasts for 1-2 sec and the time between them is usually 2-5 min. This occurs on both Neftlix(SmartTV), Intel NUC Windows 10 Kodi and Nvidia Shield Kodi so even if it occurs more often in Kodi it is occurring in the netflix smart TV as well from time to time. The Blu-ray player have none of the problems.

If we rewind the video the problem is gone but some videos got the problem more then others. 

When we hade the Nvidia Shield set to 3840x2160 59,940 420 rec 2020 we even got the "the war of the ants" every 5 min or so, lasting 2-3 sec in Kodi. When we switched to 3840x2160 60 Hz, 420, rec 2020 we only get sound drop?

The hardware is : Yamaha RX-3030, LG OLED65C8, Intel NUC Windows 10 and Nvidia Shield 2015. Because the receiver do not support HDR the Shield is connected directly to the TV with a HDMI(ARC) back to the receiver. The Intel NUC and Blu-ray is connected to the Receiver. 

I understand that this might not be a Kodi problem but you are better then most on this stuff so maybe you got an idea?


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