v20 LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi
Now that @Milhouse has retired his amazing builds, some users may not be aware that you can get newer LibreELEC 11.0 nightly builds (Kodi 20.0) from the below url.
The main difference is that Millhouse builds included experimental features & fixes before they were merged into LibreELEC.


Raspberry Pi 1: Search for LibreELEC-RPi.arm (the top result is the newest)
Raspberry Pi 2/3: Search for LibreELEC-RPi2.arm (the top result is the newest)
Raspberry Pi 4: Search for LibreELEC-RPi4.arm (the top result is the newest)

Download filename ending in .tar if updating
Download filename ending in .img.gz if fresh install (use 7zip to extract)

This post is to notify Kodi forum users where to find the builds, it's not a support thread.
LibreELEC specific issues should be posted on the LibreELEC forums: https://forum.libreelec.tv/board/35-bug-reports/​​​​​​​
Kodi specific issues should be posted on the Kodi forums: https://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=166

Milhouse's previously stickied' thread on his LE test builds can be found here. It has been unstuck as they are no longer being produced.
(2020-11-23, 22:20)matthuisman Wrote: Now that @Milhouse has retired his amazing builds, some users may not be aware that you can get newer LibreELEC nightly builds (Kodi 19.0) from the below url.
The main difference is that Millhouse builds included experimental features & fixes before they were merged into LibreELEC.


Raspberry Pi 1: Search for LibreELEC-RPi.arm (the bottom-most result is the newest)
Raspberry Pi 2/3: Search for LibreELEC-RPi2.arm (the bottom-most result is the newest)
Raspberry Pi 4: Search for LibreELEC-RPi4.arm (the bottom-most result is the newest)

Download filename ending in .tar if updating
Download filename ending in .img.gz if fresh install (use 7zip to extract)

This post is to notify Kodi forum users where to find the builds, it's not a support thread.
LibreELEC specific issues should be posted on the LibreELEC forums: https://forum.libreelec.tv/board/35-bug-reports/​​​​​​​
Kodi specific issues should be posted on the Kodi forums: https://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=166

Milhouse's previously stickied' thread on his LE test builds can be found here. It has been unstuck as they are no longer being produced.
Thanks for starting this. Is 4k supported yet?
(2020-11-26, 18:42)fab2020 Wrote: Is 4k supported yet?
No .

so long,


sorry for my question but is it with beta 1 possible to convert hdr files to sdr with a a Pi 4? Are there options in settings?
Is there a changelog for the nightly builds?
(2020-11-27, 16:48)AriaTwoFive Wrote: Is there a changelog for the nightly builds?
See here: https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/22852-...post145582

so long,

(2020-11-26, 19:05)HiassofT Wrote:
(2020-11-26, 18:42)fab2020 Wrote: Is 4k supported yet?
No .

so long,

And is 4K planned for KODI 19 - we have a beta without 4K now - or must we wait to the next release?
(2020-11-29, 09:47)querty1000 Wrote: And is 4K planned for KODI 19 - we have a beta without 4K now - or must we wait to the next release?
4k support is currently missing in the linux kernel graphics driver (kodi doesn't need any changes for that). When that has been implemented we'll include it in LibreELEC.

Please note that while kodi reached beta we haven't started with LibreELEC alpha releases yet.

The switch to the new graphics and video decoder drivers is probably the biggest change in the history of Kodi on RPi and there are several known issues that need to be resolved before we start with official alpha testing.

One of these issues is that seeking doesn't work with the H264 hardware video decoder (this affects all platforms using stateful V4L2 decoders). On RPi4 we simply disabled H264 hardware video decoding ATM (the CPU is fast enough to decode most H264 streams in software), but for RPi2/3 this issue is a real show-stopper.

RPi2/3 have several other known issues (CEC not working yet, switching resolutions/refresh rates sometimes kills video output) so RPi2 nightly builds aren't really suitable for wider testing now.

Don't bother testing RPi1 builds, RPi0/1 are too slow to cope with the new 3D graphics drivers and very certainly we won't be doing any LE10 releases for RPi0/1.

RPi4 nightlies OTOH are already quite usable. H265 hardware video decoding, CEC and HBR audio passthrough work fine.

so long,

Is there a roadmap for this Alpha build?

I've downloaded today's build and the situation is still the same you described above.

Please let us know. I'm here for help testing.

Gives us something.
Quick heads up: kernel 5.10.1 update and a first version to fix seeking with H264 (and MPEG2/4 on RPi2/3) hardware decoding were merged into master today and should be in the next nightly.

CEC on RPi2/3 should work again and H264 hardware decoding is now enabled by default on RPi4.

H264 seeking isn't perfect yet, sometimes it jumps to the beginning of the file (this is being investigated). You may also notice a bunch of ERROR lines in kodi log when seeking, these were (temporarily) added to make debugging seek issues easier - just ignore these if seeking works fine for you.

Video occasionally cutting out on RPi2/3 is still an issue, this is also being looked into.

so long,

have add-ons started to work again? early versions of Milhouses builds they did not or were not ready for 19
Are there any plans to release a little change log to every nightly, so "alpha users/testers" like me can retrace the changes being make respectively issues being solved? I miss that here, Milhouse gave us some more information. Plus maybe a pinned posting/FAQ where you can tell us what works and what doesn't, like @HiassofT did? This would be very helpful Smile.
(2020-12-19, 22:47)HiassofT Wrote: Quick heads up: kernel 5.10.1 update and a first version to fix seeking with H264 (and MPEG2/4 on RPi2/3) hardware decoding were merged into master today and should be in the next nightly.

CEC on RPi2/3 should work again and H264 hardware decoding is now enabled by default on RPi4.

H264 seeking isn't perfect yet, sometimes it jumps to the beginning of the file (this is being investigated). You may also notice a bunch of ERROR lines in kodi log when seeking, these were (temporarily) added to make debugging seek issues easier - just ignore these if seeking works fine for you.

Video occasionally cutting out on RPi2/3 is still an issue, this is also being looked into.

so long,


Still working off the last Milhouse version and anxious to try the latest LE nightly.  Any update on these issues you mentioned using the current nightly on the RPi2/3?
(2020-11-29, 12:55)HiassofT Wrote:
(2020-11-29, 09:47)querty1000 Wrote:  
RPi4 nightlies OTOH are already quite usable. H265 hardware video decoding, CEC and HBR audio passthrough work fine.

so long,

any news on HDR with RPi4?

It seems that the last nightly (LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.80-nightly-20210108-2209214.tar) is broken!

It says:
"*** Error in mount_storage: mount_common: Could not mount LABEL=Storage***"

Does anyone know this?

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LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi0
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