v20 LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi
As the OP states this is not a support thread.
LibreELEC specific issues are better discussed on LibreELEC forums.
If you have an issue that you think might find an answer on this forum it is better to open a new thread with a description of the issue you are having and a  Debug Log .
(2021-10-13, 16:12)asavah Wrote: @Caithness 
As the OP states this is not a support thread.
LibreELEC specific issues are better discussed on LibreELEC forums.
If you have an issue that you think might find an answer on this forum it is better to open a new thread with a description of the issue you are having and a  Debug Log .

Sorry I did not appreciate this is not a support thread, It doesn't seem to be a LibreElec specific issue since, as I posted, its also apparent on OSMC & XBian. If you can tell me how to generate a useful debug log on any of those I'll do so and submit it.
Exist LE 10 nightly builds for updating my Rpi4 daily? Like for the upcoming LE 10.0.2 release?
I'm bit scared about LE 11 with the new Kodi 20 Nexus that my Rpi4 becomes (more)unstable!
In my opinion the LE10 needs more polishing to say it 'stable'. I got often reboots in last weeks from a clean LE 10.0.0 flash with no OC or any third-party addon!
LE 9 was nearly rock solid stable for me.
RPi3 | RPi4 | LibreElec Kodi
The latest build on RPI2 broke connectivity (no ethernet/wifi at all)
Running LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0-nightly-20220119-f7f2fd5 on one of my Pi4 4GB, it plays x265 10bit HDR 2160 (40-50GB in size) on a LG 65CX without problems.
Tested nightly 2022-01-24, had to go back to 2022-01-19, everytime i paused a movie the Pi rebooted an colors went dark.
Running nightly 20220206-3995212 on Pi3, Pi3B+ and Pi4 4GB atm, no problems so far.
Installed LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-11.0-nightly-20220327-fbeff1d on a 3B+, ethernet disappeard, wireless is working.
Builds having the same ee58fd1 for a week now, is it new builds?
Hows the current state of Libreelec?
(2022-05-03, 21:28)Mannshoch Wrote: Hows the current state of Libreelec?

It's fine. You can download it from their own website.
Thanks 😆
Was not was I meant. Is there a Roadmap? Would be nice if I had something to look forward to. I'm not a developer but i like it to see, how tools I use proceeds.
(2022-05-07, 16:29)Mannshoch Wrote: Thanks 😆
Was not was I meant. Is there a Roadmap? Would be nice if I had something to look forward to. I'm not a developer but i like it to see, how tools I use proceeds.
New features and bug fixes will be added through github pull requests.
You can "watch" the kodi and LE repos to get notifications on any activity.
The nightly builds file system has been tidied up a bit which is nice, but there doesn't seem to be any .tar options for updating any more.

Can I use the .img.gz files to update?

(2022-06-12, 13:02)xanloves Wrote: Can I use the .img.gz files to update?


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LibreELEC Nightly Builds for Raspberry Pi0
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