v18 Remote not defined in Lircmap.xml wakes up KODI
Hi all,

... since upgrading to Kodi 18.7 I'm having problems with my lirc settings. I have 2 Rasberries running KODI in the living room, one for TV and the other one for projector (beamer). I have 4in1 remote controller, and I was using "TV" mode to control KODI connected to TV screen and "DVD" mode to control KODI connected to the beamer.
IR receiver is in TV raspberry only, and lircd instance on beamer raspberry is connected to TV raspberry lircd using ethernet and --listen and --connect settings.

Everything was working fine with KODI 17, as Kodi on TV raspberry was completely ignoring commands from DVD remote, because only remote device="TV remote" is in the lircmap.xml.

With KODI 18, everytime I press known button on DVD remote controlled, KODI on beamer raspberry understrands it as normal, but KODI on TV raspberry (instead of doing nothing) wakes up! It is not executing the commands (stop, play etc.) but it wakes up from standby mode where screen is switched off.

This is very uncomfortable, because every time I press a button to control KODI when watching something on the projector, TV screen turns on. I have also some scripts assigned to wake up action that controls external amplifier by sendin IR commands, so not only that TV screen is turned on, but amplifier is turned off...

Is there a way how to say to TV kodi "stay asleep when button not defined in your lircmap.xml is pressed"?


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Remote not defined in Lircmap.xml wakes up KODI0