Solved Delete unneeded menu items like "TV Shows"?
The first time I installed the Kodi frontend on an Android TV I recall being offered the opportunity to deleted menu items that I do not use (such as "TV Shows"). What a nice feature! 

Now I'm installing the frontend on a different TV, also Android, and I have not been offered this option, nor can I remember how I did it. 

How do I delete the menu for "TV Shows" and other unused menu items?  I use the Transparency! skin.

My spouse keeps clicking on the wrong items and messing things up, so it's important : )
I can't imagine that Transparency! doesn't have those options. It's been quite a while since I used that skin, but usually the basic features of Estuary are also in the skin settings of 3rd party skins. Perhaps dive a bit deeper into the skin settings next time..?
(2021-02-02, 17:57)linuxgrrl Wrote: Hi, 
The first time I installed the Kodi frontend on an Android TV I recall being offered the opportunity to deleted menu items that I do not use (such as "TV Shows"). What a nice feature! 

Now I'm installing the frontend on a different TV, also Android, and I have not been offered this option, nor can I remember how I did it. 

How do I delete the menu for "TV Shows" and other unused menu items?  I use the Transparency! skin.

My spouse keeps clicking on the wrong items and messing things up, so it's important : )

settings > skin settings > scroll down to 'menu' then enable/disable as needed.
(2021-02-03, 18:22)PhilYHC Wrote:
(2021-02-02, 17:57)linuxgrrl Wrote:  

settings > skin settings > scroll down to 'menu' then enable/disable as needed.
Many thanks. I was not understanding the menu system very well, and I didn't make it past the first set  of options. All set now.
Thread marked solved.

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Delete unneeded menu items like "TV Shows"?0