UPnP/DLNA - Presentation of the browse tree on UPnP/DLNA clients
Hi folks,

I'm looking for a possibility to modify the way my Kodi libraries are presented in a UPnP/DLNA client, to be more precise: in my AV receiver's apps (Yamaha AV Controller, Yamaha MusicCast). The Kodi wiki suggests that there is this option (see https://kodi.wiki/view/UPnP, "If using the Kodi UPnP Server, these browse tree nodes are based on the Kodi library nodes and you can create additional nodes in the Kodi server to expand the browse tree.") but I wasn't able to find any further information on how to do it.

I would like to achieve the following:

1. Disable sharing of the Video Library as it doen't make sense to share a video library with an AV receiver.

At the moment I have to select "Music Library" as the first step when I want to play something from the server. I already tried setting sharing of the video library as "false" in sources.xml but the video library still appears in the AV Controller app, that is the Kodi UPnP server offers it for sharing.

2. Reduce the categories for browsing the music library in the AV Controller app and get them in the right order.

I would like the categories to appear in the following order: artists - albums - songs - genres - recently added albums - albums recently listened to - compilations - sources - files - playlists - music addons.
I defined the nodes for the music library in this manner and it works fine in Kodi. In Kodi I get exactly this order. However, in the UPnP/DLNA app the default list of categories is displayed in the default order (genres - artists - albums - songs - years - Top 100 - etc.).

By contrast, when I try browsing the Video Library in the AV Controller App the categories of the browse tree and their order are exactly the same as I set them in Kodi (titles - directors - genres - sets - recently added).

So I wonder how I can tell Kodi how to present the browse tree to a UPnP/DLNA client.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards,
PS: Using Kodi 18.9 on OSMC on a Raspi 2. Latest updates installed, restarted Kodi serveral times.

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