Solved 'Update Library' command only works from home screen
Hi All,

I've been using Kodi for many years, and currently use a Harmony Elite to control everything. I have a button to update the library, set via the keymap editor - Global>Other>Update Video Library, and I've always had it set up this way, but it'll only update the library with this function if I'm on the home screen. If I'm anywhere else the function doesn't work, and instead takes me to a page listing the last thing I watched.

I'm not sure why the Update Library function, as set in the keymap editor, appears to have more than one function depending where you are. Is there any way to fix this, so the update functions as expected irrespective the page I'm on?

What is actually happening here? I assume that the keymap editor is presenting me with an 'update library' function which is bound to a key press that has more than one function dependent where it's used.

It'd be great to get a fix or workaround for this.

Many thanks all, K22
You can have keymaps for specific screens in Kodi. Indeed if you set up one for the default home screen (as seemingly you did) then if the key is set up differently for a specific screen, then that keymap will "win" as the specific ones deliberately override the global one (which is the home screen, amongst others).

So what you will need to do is add new key mappings to the specific Kodi windows where it is being redefined to something else.

For more details on keymapping, see the wiki - keymaps (wiki).
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Legend. Many thanks.

For anyone wondering, it's Videos>Other>Update Video Library.
Thread marked solved.
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'Update Library' command only works from home screen0