4 Network Protocols for Streaming Videos on LAN
I was happily using SMBv1 and passwordless streaming ov videos to my Android TV.  Than happened Samba v23 4.11, then VLC ver 3.2 and now KODI ver 19.0.  So I started looking for alternatives.  Hope you do not mind me sharing this link: https://www.hallergard.com/Blog/NFS_SMB_FTP_HTTP.html
(2021-05-27, 09:01)hallergard Wrote: Hope you do not mind me sharing this link:

It's better not to use shortlinks, as people cannot tell where they are being led to.
Thanks, this is useful!

Love the oldschool website design Smile
@Klojum   Good point!

@docwra Learnt html2 with copy and paste in the early ninties at the age of 50.  Afraid I have stopped learning new tricks since then

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4 Network Protocols for Streaming Videos on LAN0