Kodi capturing Ctrl+Alt+Right preventing switching virtual desktops?

I have a bit of a strange one.

I have an existing Kodi setup based on Mythbuntu (Ubuntu 18.04, XFCE) with Kodi 19.1. This is working well. The way I like to have it set up is to have Kodi running on the first virtual desktop and then I can Ctrl+Alt+Right to the second desktop where I have a web browser to watch content like Netflix etc.

I am trying to replace this setup with a Raspberry Pi and so started with Raspberry Pi OS and then installed XFCE instead of LXDE. Virtual desktops generally are working fine and I can Ctrl+Alt+Left and Right to switch between them. Strangely, though, when I put Kodi (18.7 from the repo) on this and launch it, I can no longer switch to my other virtual desktops. I cannot figure out if Kodi is capturing the keyboard shortcut or Kodi is starting in some kind of mode outside XFCE or something (I noticed when quitting Kodi I had a Debian lock screen asking for my password).

Does anybody have any ideas? I'm at a bit of a loss as to where the problem is, so it is a tough one to search for.
All keypresses that Kodi receives are listed in the debug log (wiki) when logging is enabled. So checking that may help to understand a little more from the Kodi side of things.

That said, I would have expected Kodi to be at the end of the queue for receiving such keypresses, with the OS layer getting them first (the issue is normally the other way around, with the OS taking them and not passing them on).

Have a look in the logs and see what it tells you, but my money would be on how Kodi is operating and passing its display to the screen which may not work with virtual desktops. There are some specifics involved there (we have other incompatibilities like with VNC desktop remote-viewing due to the same reasons), but I'm not an expert on such things to advise in any depth there.
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Kodi capturing Ctrl+Alt+Right preventing switching virtual desktops?0