Kodi Crashing / The Movie Database Python Scraper Error
Hi All

On a new Kodi setup I am having issues with scrapping in my movies.

Debug here: https://paste.kodi.tv/olisifigiza - I hope this is the right one as it crashed back to Android TV main menu.

What happens:

1. I refresh my movie source
2. Progress bar sits at 0% for a few minutes, then works up to 100%
3. As soon as the first movie title appears in the progress bar, Kodi complete crashes back to Android TV main menu

A previous try it got into scrapping individual movies, but kept coming up with the below error on each movie:
Quote:The Movie Database Phyton
Failed to reach remote site
Reason: [SSL:CERTIFICATE_VER ..... and then it cuts off the message likely because the skin can't display it all.

I can't get back to that point again as Kodi crashes before that point.

Hopefully the debug has something in it, as like I said it crashed so I can't confirm its uploading the right run.

I can confirm that I can download and install add-ons from the repo.

Any ideas?

Unfortunately that log shows nothing out of the ordinary.

We need the log that captures the symptoms you describe above, either that ssl error or the crashing.

If you restart Kodi to use the Log Uploader addon, then you need to also upload kodi.old.log. which would be the one that captured the crash, not the new log due to restarting kodi. You need to enable this in the settings of the uploader addon then upload both.
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(2021-09-21, 08:48)Karellen Wrote: Unfortunately that log shows nothing out of the ordinary.

We need the log that captures the symptoms you describe above, either that ssl error or the crashing.

If you restart Kodi to use the Log Uploader addon, then you need to also upload kodi.old.log. which would be the one that captured the crash, not the new log due to restarting kodi. You need to enable this in the settings of the uploader addon then upload both.

Yeah thats what I tried, obviously got the wrong one.

Where are the logs saved in Android TV, might be easier to just copy it manually from Xplore.
(2021-09-21, 08:57)Stildawn Wrote: Where are the logs saved in Android TV, might be easier to just copy it manually from Xplore.
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Ok I have these now had to split the logs:

What I am sure is the one with the crash in it based on time stamps:
Part 1 - https://paste.kodi.tv/pawufowahea.kodi
Part 2 - https://paste.kodi.tv/edaduqeqiqa.kodi

Not sure if you need this, but this is the first run again after the crash: 
Part 1 - https://paste.kodi.tv/uvupajiniva.kodi
Part 2 - https://paste.kodi.tv/ihahudisipa.kodi

Hopefully that helps
Any idea on this?

Would going back to the old XML one work?
(2021-09-22, 08:13)Stildawn Wrote: Any idea on this?
I had a look at the logs earlier, and again now, but I see absolutely nothing wrong. But I don't see you scraping the library either which, from your first post, is where the problem is.

I see the second part of the first log abruptly stops, but there is nothing to indicate a problem. It could be that part of the log was not dumped from memory into the file if you did not shut down, or it could be a sudden crash. I can't tell.

Hopefully someone with more Android knowledge might see something.

Or provide another log which clearly captures a Library Update.
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Is there a way to generate a crash log.
Hi All

So I did a complete uninstall and reinstall of Kodi, set up the Movies sources again and scraped successfully.

However now I am getting the same issue but with TV Shows, set it scraping and then after awhile it crashes to Android TV main menu.

Difference is that this time it doesn't crash instantly, it starts doing shows and then crashes as somepoint.

I managed to grab a log which should have the crash in it, but its too large for pastebin so I zipped it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1StkFdCQ...sp=sharing

Hopefully this works?
Hi All, did the log above catch any issues?
(2021-09-26, 02:12)Stildawn Wrote: Hi All, did the log above catch any issues?
Unfortunately I still don't see anything in the log that can point to a problem.
I can see the log suddenly stops, but no indication why....

Does it always crash while scraping the same tv show? In the log it has just started to scrape The Walking Dead. What if you scrape that individually, rather than as part of a Library Update? Does it still crash.

Which tv show is this image from... https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/oVnJ...y1XDO0.jpg
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I'm guessing that image is the blacklist.

No it doesn't seem to crash on any thing in particular.

I have it all scraped now so hopefully it manages to get through short updates when required. Still don't know the actual problem though.

It's running on a philips android tv, I was thinking it might be a cpu power issue but kodi runs so well and smooth that I don't think the philips TV cpu is overly struggling.

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Kodi Crashing / The Movie Database Python Scraper Error0