Kodi on Roku TV Stick
I am interested in buying a Roku TV Stick and would like to know if it is possible to install Kodi on it?
No, not possible to install Kodi onto a Roku stick.
Roku have their own Operating System, not compatible with Kodi.
(2021-09-28, 10:02)Dumyat Wrote: No, not possible to install Kodi onto a Roku stick.
Roku have their own Operating System, not compatible with Kodi.
Thanks. So, no Roku for my Home.
Roku web site says they have a Kodi 19.1 app.
I have not purchased a Roku box yet, Can someone with a Roku tell me if this is actually Kodi for Roku...

* URL removed for safety reasons by moderator *
We're already at Kodi 19.4, and given the fact that loosely uploaded APK files with no description tend to contain some sort of threat, I'm not surprised the URL you mentioned is already no longer working.

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