Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can't install
I had a really old version of this plugin on my Windows version of Kodi so I went to update it and it could not find a new version. When I clicked on the version button it could not find any.

I removed the Addon and then went to install the latest version except it isn't listed in the Repository list. Do a search and find it, and it shows version 20.2.3 but it won't install as it is missing a dependency. The dependency is version 2.0.0 and from what I have read that is version 20 of Kodi.

So I thought I would go and and find an older version of the plugin online and found this page: which shows version 19.0.6 is the current version, however the Windows x86_64 download is version 20.2.3 and gives the same error. Tried the Windows i686 version which says it is version 19.0.5, but it won't install either as I get the error "Invalid Structure".

Is there anywhere I can get the latest version (v19) for Windows of this plugin?

the last published version for v19 is 19.0.5:
Thanks, I was able to install from that link you provided.

However that doesn't address any of the other issues I raised, especially why I am only presented with a version of the plug in that is not supported by my version of Kodi?
start with a clean user data directory and try to install mythtv from the repository (from within kodi, not manually). If it still doesn't work, provide a Debug Log
Same issue here, even after a fresh installation of Kodi itself. In my case, Kodi had been updated automatically (via Windows Store) after not running it for a while, and the plugin didn't work, giving the described error if I tried updating or reinstalling the plugin.

Relevant portions of my kodi.log are here.  Prior to the failure to install the Kodi plugin, there are several errors related to search failing.  

As with the original poster, installing from the zip file worked.
It's happening the same on my Windows Store installation (v19.4) I can't even find the MythTV plugin without having to specifically search for it. I notice the version it wants to install is 20.2.3 but the version offered on my v19.3 Android TV (2019 Shield TV) is 19.08. I'll probably just install the executable version again, but in case someone wants to investigate...

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