v19 Storing data elsewhere

I've got a Chromecast with Google TV, and Kodi is gobbling up all the space. I'm assuming this is because of all the thumbnails/artwork. Is there a setting I can change to save them on my NAS, in the same location as my scraped files?
I have no experience in xml or editing that kind of stuff, so I'm hoping it's simply a setting I'm missing..



XML is not hard to edit, use a plain text editor. If you already have such a file, you just need to add the section:


Just save an un-edited copy of the file first (in case you need to undo), then edit and save and restart kodi.

Once it is working (confirm data is being stored where you expect it), you probably will need to manually delete the old "Thumbnails" in the chromecast to free up the space.

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