Running Python, Linux executables in Kodi
I've made a few games in Python, Unity, etc. and I want to run them on Kodi as well. Is there a way to do this? I'm using LibreELEC on a Raspberry Pi 3.


I have used this method to launch other apps or scripts on the system
Thank you for this resource!
It seems like it would be hard to run Pygame directly with this method. Is there any easy way to do this in LibreELEC?
You can use Advanced Emulator Launcher to launch executables from Kodi.
Sounds interesting.
Could you send a link to the docs or something?
(2022-04-12, 14:51)Boyney Wrote: Sounds interesting.
Could you send a link to the docs or something?

You have the link to the AEL thread in this forum on my signature. There you have some links to the documentation. However, at this moment the documentation is not great but AEL is very easy to use. To launch Python scripts you need to create a Standalone Launcher with the context menu. In Linux, make sure your script has the correct executable permissions and also a shebang.
Thank you so much, I’ll check it out when I get the chance!

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Running Python, Linux executables in Kodi0