How to use skins offline when they require stuff like TheMovieDB Helper etc?
So I'm trying to set up a simple Kodi system for my elderly grandparents who do not have internet.

I've been through LOTS of skins trying to find something CLEAN & SIMPLE.

While the default skin is mostly OK, I only want the runtime, poster & summary visible when looking at movie info. I don't want any actor info, 'show fanart', 'your rating' 'same director', codec info etc showing.

I've found a couple of skins that will allow me to do that, but even though I'm only using local data only, the skins require addons like TheMovieDB Helper etc as dependancies. That wouldn't be a problem, if it wasn't for a pop up appearing every 30s complaining about TheMovieDB Helper not being able to connect to the internet...

Is there a way to stop that pop-up appearing / make TheMovieDB work in offline mode?

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How to use skins offline when they require stuff like TheMovieDB Helper etc?0