Is it possible to remove the mouse not supported warning
Problem: The skin I'm using (Embuary for Matrix but it shouldn't matter which skin it is) shows a red Warning "Mouse not supported". Funny thing is I can use the mouse and more importantly the touchscreen of my convertible just fine, except for the warning.
I don't want to disable mouse/touch support (because it works and I kinda need it in tablet mode), but I really get triggered by the red warning notification.

How does Kodi decide if a skin supports mouse and touch? If it is specified by the skin maintainer it should be possible to change this on my device, right? Can someone point me in the right direction?
try Pointer.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <control type="image" id="1">
        <control type="image" id="2">
            <description>Pointer Focus</description>
        <control type="image" id="3">
            <description>Pointer Drag</description>
        <control type="image" id="4">

Totally forgot...

I put the 4 control fields in a comment and it seems to work. No cursor, no warning, no nothing, but touch still works.
Thats enough for now. I'm gonna take a deeper look at this as soon as theres time for it. 

So thanks!

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