Opening Kodi in a window Raspberry pi
Hey, really quick question. I've seen previous posts (most recently in 2020) saying that it isn't currently possible to open kodi in a window on raspberry pi. Has anything changed or is this still the case?
You can build kodi for x11 (basically just change -DCORE_PLATFORM_NAME=gbm to -DCORE_PLATFORM_NAME=x11) and it will work on X in a window.
But you will lose hardware accelerated video decode.
Where do i change this?
You need to build it from source.
I see, i initially installed with apt-get. When i try to use this method i get errors at 3.1 build the missing dependencies, saying there is file dpendencies missing
Are you sure you want this?
Without hw acceleration you will be limited in what videos you can play.
VLC is accelerated and works in a window on RPiOS.
Yeh, the appealing feature of KODI is being able to play live tv, I can't (as far as I'm aware) do this on vlc
if you have the stream URL, VLC should know what to do with it.
(2022-07-11, 21:02)huv36 Wrote: Yeh, the appealing feature of KODI is being able to play live tv, I can't (as far as I'm aware) do this on vlc

But why do you need to do it in a window? If you you are wanting to use the Pi for other things just have an SD Card for Kodi (use LibreELEC) and then Raspberry Pi OS on a different card for other purposes.
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Opening Kodi in a window Raspberry pi0