Movie Scrapping Problems. Same issue on Windows and XBOX
I have about 4TB sitting on a NAS. They are raw rips from the DVD. So all files are VOBs. Some time ago I had this working well. It would download the thumb, movie information and allow me to veiw all the movies with using thumb nails.

For some reason the windows version Alpha4 and the latest XBOX version will only update the movie thumb if I preveiw movie information for each movie.

In other words when I preveiw my movie folder all I get is generic icons for each movie unless I click on the movie and reveiw the movie information. Once it returns to the main folder then the icon is updated to the movie thumb.
I've searched high and low for an answer to this. No one knows a thing? I've had this problem on two seperate installs. The thumbs for icons do not show up unless I acutally go and select each and every movie. The scrapper is working because most of the time the movie is already there. Just no thumb.
Have you actually scanned said movies in to the library?

Are they local thumbs or are you relying on internet based thumbs?

Basically: What have you done to actually attempt to get thumbs in the first place?
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ive noticed a similar thing....

i set content, then scan for new content, imdb scraper will find approx 1% of thumbs and movie info for my releases.

if i select movie info, i get told no movie in folder, and i have been told via forums this is because 90% of movies i have are in *.rar format.

however is i click on the rar i am shown the rls_filename.avi, now the cool thing is that IMDB scraper knows most of the scene rls archive names, and will mostly produce a thumb and movie info, however sometimes this thumb and movie info is avail to root folder view, and somethines it is not.

also i have nboticed that for every 2 x cd archive i have, if i scan on the *.avi from within the archive manually, it will produce thumbs etc, but every time the thumbs are not avail to the root folder view. whereas single cd archive ive been having prolly 70% successrate doing this.

it would be quiet handy is imdb scraper would scan the archives when set to scan for new content, and also for movie info to be avail is the movie is in *.rar format.

i appreciate that there is feature freeze on atm, but does anyone else think these features should be standard?

you will have to enable "make archives with one file transparent" in appearance settings ..
ahhhhhh, i knew it was too obvious to have been skipped

fyi, there are still some peculiarities with rar'ed movies where xbmc may keep fetching the info every time you scan for new content for rar'ed movies which already exist in the database. (which it's not supposed to.)
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I setup access to a SMB drive on the network. I set the content. I let the scrapper auto add. I rely on the internet 100%. Then I go in and I have to click on each and every movie?

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Movie Scrapping Problems. Same issue on Windows and XBOX0