v19 Main Menu Focus Bar
Hi @jjd-uk 
Hope you don't mind, but I have a very quick question for you.
When you start Kodi using the default Estuary skin is the default menu item highlighted with the focus bar/texture?
The reason I ask is my own skin mod does not actually highlight the default item when Kodi is started. If I press the enter/OK button on my remote, then the default item is highlighted. To be honest, I thought this was actually the result of something I might have changed at some point, which needed fixing.
However, when I switched to the default Estuary skin earlier today and re-started Kodi, exactly the same behaviour occurs. I actually re-started about a dozen times just to make sure the same thing happen each time. The default item only gets highlighted once I press OK/enter (same as my mod). I just wanted to make sure this is actually the expected behaviour when starting Estuary or if what I'm seeing is somehow unique to my Kodi installation? I don't particular want to spend time trying to fix something un-necessarily.   
Grateful if you could let me know at some point.
Not in a postion to test at the moment

When Home is loaded default control is Menu ID 9000 see https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...ome.xml#L3

Then the focus should be on first item by default because of https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...e.xml#L855
That appears to be the default action on opening , no particular main menu item is highlighted until one moves the mouse or presses a key on the remote.
I think by adding the second box as below with both the "!" expressions removed in the focusedlayout section of mainmenu 9000 in home.xml  this rectifies the issue you mentioned Dumyat ?
<control type="image">
                                <texture colordiffuse="button_focus">lists/focus.png</texture>
                                <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="0" condition="[!Control.HasFocus(9000) + !ControlGroup(700).HasFocus] | System.HasActiveModalDialog">Conditional</animation>

This is the above box copy and pasted with ! x2 removed from the "control group hasfocus text.  I also go a bit further and edit this section so that when a mainmenu item is highlighted and I press rt to widgets , the relevant menu item remains highlighted.
                            <control type="image">
                                <texture colordiffuse="button_focus">lists/focus.png</texture>
                                <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="0" condition="[Control.HasFocus(9000) + ControlGroup(700).HasFocus] | System.HasActiveModalDialog">Conditional</animation>
Yes , testing the above on a default estuary skin , when booting kodi , the home menu opens with the top item movies highlighted.
(2023-01-04, 20:58)ontap Wrote: Yes , testing the above on a default estuary skin , when booting kodi , the home menu opens with the top item movies highlighted.
Hmmm, I'm still seeing the same behaviour after removing both of !'s. And you removed these only from the control item directly after the 'UnFocus' animation tag, like below?

<control type="image"> 
<texture colordiffuse="button_focus">lists/focus.png</texture>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="0" condition="[Control.HasFocus(9000) + ControlGroup(700).HasFocus] | System.HasActiveModalDialog">Conditional</animation>
Nothing else I need to do?
Did you paste that in "focusedlayout" not in "itemlayout" ?
I copied the control item and pasted it so there are two , then removed "!"'s from the second one .
Edited home.xml in this folder https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucibpz1636jl2fo/Home.xml?dl=0
(2023-01-04, 23:06)ontap Wrote: Did you paste that in "focusedlayout" not in "itemlayout" ?
I copied the control item and pasted it so there are two , then removed "!"'s from the second one .
Aye, that's what I didn't do (copy the second control item). On your original post, I thought you were just referring to the second one below (Not that I should copy that).
So, here's the weird part. Once I made your change, the first 3 times I booted up Kodi from my desktop the first menu item was highlighted on each occasion.....Hooray!  Wink But then on the 4th and the next 9 or 10 start up's, I got the same as before.

I was then checking the home.xml again for about 5+ mins. When I started Kodi the menu item was highlighted again, which it did for another 3 start up's before nothing.... Huh Seems something quite odd is happening on my set-up. Must admit, my machine is quite loaded these days so maybe that has some bearing on the randomness of what I'm seeing.

But the good thing is your confirmation that the menu item wasn't actually highlighted when you started Kodi. I'm not sure if that's how Estuary was originally designed to work at start up?
Strange that , mine here ( on a mac ) , every time tried 15 times haha, when I reopen kodi the top item is highlighted.
Will try on my other machine and the shield as well to see what happens.

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