Is it possible to play and audio and a video file at the same time?
Hello, i have an audio file that contains just audio and video file that is just video and i want to play them at the same time. Is this possible with kodi? If so an code example would be appreciated. Thanks!
Merging the two with MKVToolnix will vastly simply that challenge. I'm sure that ffmpeg can do it too on the command line.
(2023-01-13, 17:35)Skipmode A1 Wrote: Hello, i have an audio file that contains just audio and video file that is just video
I have never tried it, but if you place both the audio and video file in the same folder, Kodi should play both. Filenames need to be identical...
MyMovie (2023).mkv
MyMovie (2023).mp3
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Thanks for the info.

One addition question: what if it is a streaming video file (mp4) and streaming an audio file (mp3)? Can i combine them on the fly in kodi somehow?
(2023-01-14, 06:22)Skipmode A1 Wrote: One addition question: what if it is a streaming video file (mp4) and streaming an audio file (mp3)?
Sorry, I don't know.
I just noticed who you are. Maybe ask in the slack channels?
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Ok, i did. It seems it IS possible by using this addon: inputstream.adaptive
I don’t know how in other platforms, on android it’s called audio focus.
on Android (Shield) you need to share audio to run two at same time:


adb shell
adb:/ $ cmd appops set org.xbmc.kodi TAKE_AUDIO_FOCUS ignore
adb:/ $ cmd appops set org.videolan.vlc TAKE_AUDIO_FOCUS ignore

After that open VLC and play music.
Open Kodi and play.

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Is it possible to play and audio and a video file at the same time?0