How to transfer a library with lots of dead entries to Kodi on another PC?
I bought a new laptop and now I am trying to transfer my Kodi build. My library has lots of items (500+) for which there are no video files on the PC, so you get a playback error when clicking on them. I want my entire library to be exactly transferred (resume time, times played and artwork) along with the video files.
How should I do it?

I've tried replacing the entire Kodi folder in User/Apps/Roaming, and Restoring using Backup add-on. None of them worked.

(PC1: Windows 10, PC2: Windows 11.
Both updated to the latest build.
PC2 has Kodi installed via Windows Store.)
(2023-01-22, 21:49)Keats Wrote: How should I do it?
Export to Separate Files. See link in my signature.
Hopefully you have local artwork? If you do, don't export artwork. If you don't, either use Artwork Dump or export artwork, but the exported artwork will be modified.

The big issue is- if for some reason Kodi can't locate the movies on your drive and you get a playback error, then it also means that Kodi won't be able to export the nfo files.
You need to investigate why Kodi has lost connection to parts of your library - drive letter change? usb disk unplugged?
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I have deleted most of the items in my library because I didn't have internal storage for them. But I like to have a list of what I have watched & other info, so I've retained those items in my library.
This is the only issue in facing: exporting a library with dead/deleted items.
(2023-01-23, 05:06)Keats Wrote: This is the only issue in facing: exporting a library with dead/deleted items.
You can use the Single File Export as detailed on that wiki page.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but to use that method, don't we have to have the absolute same paths as before? I don't have that.
(2023-01-23, 05:45)Keats Wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong but to use that method, don't we have to have the absolute same paths as before? I don't have that.

Is your media on external drives? If so you can go and change the path letter where the media is to match the previous build you used... I have done this many times.
Titan Bingie Mod

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How to transfer a library with lots of dead entries to Kodi on another PC?0