Information Enabling debug logs on FireTV at the android level - Fixed
It's been a problem lately trying to deal with FireTV because the log will not show debug level.

I just figured out how to enable this at the android level so I thought it would be informative for others and I'm sharing.

adb shell setprop persist.log.tag D

It is set to I by default.

Once set and Kodi logging is set to debug in system settings, you can get your precious logs.

Here's a log I just generated showing it working -


Follow up information, you can use the following additional log levels ( found here - )

The log level can be set verbosely as "ERROR" or just as "E" as the setting only uses the first letter to determine what level it needs, i.e. if set to "ERROR" the system actually only sees "E" but the user sees the rest.

Might be useful if you want to revert setting it to debug.
Thanks to fritsch for the inspiration to figure this out, it was his comment that gave me a push.
I actually did not want to suggest this, cause I don't know if amazon had a reason to hide them ... maybe some of their other stuff will then start to print heavily ...
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
disclaimer: to be clear fritsch did not suggest this or anything like this
shameless self-promoting *bump*
Thank you. That info has been useful.
I've found that we can use persist.log.tag.Kodi, which shouldn’t affect other programs.

I've spent some time looking for a way to change logging level programmatically and ended up with this PR. Sadly it requires Android 11 (currently only Fire TV Stick 4K 2nd Generation and Fire TV Stick 4K Max 2nd Generation). Still a useful improvement in my opinion.
very cool, glad it was useful towards a fix
(2024-01-05, 03:15)boboc Wrote: Still a useful improvement in my opinion.h

i agree, firetv is about the last hold out but very soon will be moving to android 11 which will introduce a host of problems for kodi users (i assume) and the debug logs are going to be very useful

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Enabling debug logs on FireTV at the android level - Fixed0