Poster often not shown in directory view
Not sure if this is a scraping issue. Running 19.5 on Libreeelec 10.0.4 (but also on many earlier versions), when I browse a folder, many movie folders are displayed with the default Icon instead of the poster. But when I open the movie information, it has the correct poster. Sometimes, it helps to go to Choose Art / Poster and choose the same poster again and it will be shown in directory overview. But more often, that does not help either.
This got worse in the last year. This is a very old installation, been migrated over some versions of Libreelec and Raspi hardware. So maybe something messed up in between, but I have no idea how to fix this.
Any ideas
Start with providing a link to your Debug Log replicating the problem and so folks can see what exactly is going on.
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(2023-03-03, 19:54)Dangelus Wrote: Start with providing a link to your Debug Log ...

Thanks, Dangelus. Interestingly, when I started to refresh the movie information from IMDB for all those movies missing a poster to generate some, everything went fine this time this time. So it looks like an older version messed up some library information. But after refreshing those, everything is fine again.

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