Req Skip loading messages within Playlists for PreShowExperience
Hi Gade,
hope this message finds you well and heathly!

A while ago i was pleased to see, that with PreShowExperience (PSE) a successor of my loved CinemaVision (CV) Addon was in the making.

To allow a true Pre-Show experience it would be beneficial if Kodi / the Skin does  NOT display the usual "loading" messages between each clip of the playlist created by PSE. I believe that this feature WAS already implemented for CV in previous versions of Rapier. Would it be possible to make this work as well for PSE in the latest version of Rapier?

There are already some folks in the PSE forum working on Skin mods for flawless PSE integration (see link below)....
.... but knowing you as a highly competent and responsive skinner i would of course preferr, if this makes it´s way into the "normal" version of Rapier.

Would that be doable?

There is already some guidance, how to avoid the usual "busy" or "loading" messages in the PSE Forum:
....but i would assume, you know better than me, how to add this feature to you own skin;-)
Kodi 20.2 (for Windows) on Win11 HTPC
ZDMC 20.2 on Zidoo UHD3000
Hi @Reelyator

I have replaced script.cinemavision with script.preshowexperience in Rapier v13.0.14.
I pushed the update to my development repo.
Hi Gade!

I just tried it out with the latest version from your Repo (Gade´s Addon Repository: This schows me v12.3.9, not v13.0.14!) and the loading messages still show up.

Rapier on the official Kodi Repo is still on v12.3.5.

How can i try out v13.0.14??
Kodi 20.2 (for Windows) on Win11 HTPC
ZDMC 20.2 on Zidoo UHD3000
You should update to Kodi Nexus.

The change for PreShow Experience is only for Kodi 20/Rapier 13.

CinemaVision still works for Kodi 19.

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Skip loading messages within Playlists for PreShowExperience0