Looking for support on this skin
I am looking for someone who can give me support on a Kodi installation with the pellucid skin, do you have knowledge or do you know who has? thank you
Best that you explain what type of support you need.
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(2023-05-06, 21:33)Karellen Wrote: Best that you explain what type of support you need.

There are features that appear in the original skin and I can't get them to work well in pellucid. For example: IPTV channels do not appear in groups, lists of movies or series filtered by genre, year, director, etc. they don't work for me either in pellucid and other things like that. I would like to hire someone who can solve these inconveniences for me, thank you!
(2023-05-23, 17:09)Nagus Wrote:
(2023-05-06, 21:33)Karellen Wrote: Best that you explain what type of support you need.

There are features that appear in the original skin and I can't get them to work well in pellucid. For example: IPTV channels do not appear in groups, lists of movies or series filtered by genre, year, director, etc. they don't work for me either in pellucid and other things like that. I would like to hire someone who can solve these inconveniences for me, thank you!
Hi @thedeadman

I'm looking for a little support (paying) on your pellucid kodi's skin (I just couldn't find your email address)

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