Browsing SMB Crashes GVFS-fuse daemon?
First let me preface this post by saying that I'm a relative n00b when it comes to Linux. I'm running an install of XBMC done via the PPAs linked from's front page, on top of x64 Hardy Heron. I have already edited my smb.conf file to point to the workgroup where my machines are. I have 2 Windows XP boxes and 1 other Ubuntu box, and all their shares are showing up properly in Ubuntu. However, when I try to Browse to make a new Source in XBMC, it crashes back to desktop and my mouse stops working. I have found I can log out and then log back in to get my mouse working again. When I get back to the desktop I have a crash alert about the GVFS-fuse daemon. I figured that since it seems to be in charge of mounting networked file systems and stuff it might be relevant info.

I've already checked for updates in Synaptic, and now I'm kindof at a loss as to where to go next.
Catchy Signature Here
my own workaround for this is to simply bypass the SMB browsing stuff inside of XBMC. I've got all my SMB shares from my Windows file server auto-mounting via fstab. Had to install smbfs and use smbfs as my file type, for some reason I could NOT get cifs to work. Anyways, accessing the already-mounted SMB shares from XBMC works fine. I got almost all my issues resolved now, yay!
Catchy Signature Here
I have the EXACT same problem with basicly the exact same setup. i am running XBMC (Atlantis) on my Ubuntu 8.04 box and i have these exact same issues, i can browse she shares just fine with ubuntu so i know it isnt a network configuration problem. i saw the "work around" above but that seems to just be a patch job for what seems to be a pretty streight forward bug. could anyone offer any help on how to simply fix the problem with out having to modify configuration files? i am also running XBMC (Atlantis) on an XP Pro system and it doesn't have the problem.

What the heck are you trying to browse on if you get errors on GVFS-Daemon Smile ? because we dont use this at all, we use libsmbclient directly and should go around GVFS-Daemon.

Atleast if your trying browse samba in our add source.

Could you post a log on this when you try this.
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."

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Browsing SMB Crashes GVFS-fuse daemon?0