Solved MECOOL do not remember where I left a movie (timestamp) inside my chosen player VLC..
I have a MECOOL KM2 plus and I'm using VLC as a movie player app
for all my 'inserted USB key' movies.
Unfortunately when I interrupt the viewing of a movie, close MECOOL then
later get back to the same movie VLC won't remember where I left the movie
the last time I viewed it, so I have to play back from the start and
reach the point where I stopped the movie.
My earlier WD Live TV box would remember where I left a movie
when I got back to it and play from there..
So my question is: What app should I use to get my movies
to play from I left them? or is there any settings I should select
to make the movies stop position remembered ?
(2023-07-26, 15:55)jpdesroc Wrote: So my question is: What app should I use to get my movies
to play from I left them?

have you perhaps heard of Kodi? ... it resumes playback and remembers it

if your player choice is VLC maybe ask on their forum
Yes I know that brand.. Kodi.
Is-it a movie player ? Like VLC ?
If so I'd just have to include it with my MECOOL apps ?
That's it ?
(2023-07-26, 17:05)jpdesroc Wrote: Yes I know that brand.. Kodi.
Is-it a movie player ? Like VLC ?

Hmm... So you simply barged into a forum and asked questions on something that totally does not refer to our software application, but still expect answers to solve your problem? That's a pretty bold move.

I'm sure there is a Mecool forum out there somewhere where they can answer all your questions regarding their own devices.
Very sorry for that..
I first thought this was a MECOOL (and other devices) forum..
Again I do apologize..
BTW I installed the KODI app in my MECOOL and it does the job much better
than VLC for me !
Okay, apology accepted, and glad that you were able to make your device more usable with Kodi.
Thread marked solved.

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MECOOL do not remember where I left a movie (timestamp) inside my chosen player VLC..0
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