Genre translation
Maybe it’s asked before but I could not find it.
I use the Dutch language addon in kodi.
My scraper adds genres in Dutch language also, but
kodi is only showing the genres in English.
When I use movie genres icon’s addon it adds Dutch genre names
but not removing English genres.
So I see Commedy (English) and Komedie (Dutch) both in the list.
How do I remove English genres?
Or how do I rename Kodi native genres to Dutch?
In series genres , despite of the icon addon , all still in English.
Thanks in advanced.
(2023-07-27, 14:30)Colabacardi Wrote: My scraper adds genres in Dutch language also, but
kodi is only showing the genres in English.
A couple of questions...
1. Which skin are you using?
2. Which scraper are you using?

The genre is provided by the information provider site. Kodi does not have any programming that manipulates genre names. It just uses what has been scraped.
So if you get some genres in English and others in Dutch and your scraper settings are set to Dutch, then there is a problem at the information provider site.
Provide an example movie that shows English genre instead of Dutch.
But we can sort out how to fix your library later.
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Genre names are stored in 3 different locations in the video database, and they are linked in a 4th database table.

There is the genre table where genres in all scraped languages are being stored separately.
Then you have the genre_link table where genres are coupled via ID values with every movie and tvshow.

But genres are also stored as text in the movie and tvshow table records. I'm not sure why that was once started, probably either out of convenience or perhaps ignorance, or both.

The best option IMO is to use scripts that can directly hack into your video database using SQL queries, as you will need to run these scripts from time to time as newly scraped videos may again have your Dutch/English scraped genre names.

I once started a PHP script to rename dutch genre names into english, here is a glimpse of what it looks like. This only handles the genre and genre-link tables. It does not handle the genre text names in the movie and tvshow table records.

So, it's either direct database hacking, or editing exported Kodi nfo files that will then need to be used for re-importing your entire video collection... How you are going to edit all those separate nfo files is up to you. Scripts or batch files are a good option, depending on how SQL and/or script-savvy you are.
Thanks for your replies.
I think my scraper (Ember media manager) was using a english fallback or so.
I turned that off and rescaped all genres and voila all genres in dutch. (If available)
Now I have to find out what to do with the genres icon addons, they only
occor if the Dutch name is the same as in English, like drama and horror.
I tried to rename the icon names in textures.xbt into Dutch with kodi texture tool
but no luck so far. I’ll go on searching and trying.
(2023-07-31, 04:25)Colabacardi Wrote: I tried to rename the icon names in textures.xbt into Dutch with kodi texture tool
but no luck so far. I’ll go on searching and trying.
I would have thought that would work. It is just matching filename to the database entry.
Which genre addon is it?...
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for example

but I guess most movie genre icons have their icons called in English.

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