Run script as an WOL equivalent?
Several months ago I replaced my previous defective Enigma based box by a new VU+ UNO 4K SE one. Sadly it doesn't support wake on lan (WOL) and I had to improvise with an IOT based IR blaster which sends an infrared signal. The setup is a bit complex because I need an Android device running tasker which queries a HUE based switched connected to my Kodi box and it sends a specific HTTP command to the IOT device when needed. So I'd like to replace this by something running in Kodi itself. I know that there's a script based WOL kodi addon which can be customized to do this but it's not available for the current version of Kodi (Python2?).

So I'd like to know if there's a way to send an HTTP request from Kodi when the Engima PVR client gets started. I guess that the best way to accomplish this would be from the offical Engima client itself but maybe that would require a lot (?) of work for just my case.

So you previously used the wake on lan feature of the PVR addon but you can’t anymore with your current device?

Are you sure it’s not just an issue with the image you are using?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
I don't remember using WOL with my previous box, maybe I used an app on my phone. However with the VU Uno 4K SE it seems that the interface hasn't been implemented on a hardware level. Probably saves $0.01 Sad

And according to this table it's not only box which is missing that feature which is mentioned here as well. So it seems that VU+ has dropped support for almost all new 4K devices. However, among all the posts which claim that it isn't supported on a hardware level I did find one post which claims that the VTi image supports WOL with this box. I also think that this will be a trend as enabling WOL will increase energy consumption above the 0.5 watt EU ERP standby requirement.
I don’t use WOL myself, I just leave the box in standby where it acts as server only.

You would think the easiest thing would be to allow ERP standby to be switched on and off. Obviously on by default.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Leaving it on would certainly be the easiest solution, however, energy consumption would jump from 0,5 (+ my IOT device) to over 10 watt and I'd like avoid wasting energy. Having the IOT IR blaster I'm already quite close if only I could get somehow Kodi to send the HTTP command.
I’m pretty sure kody supports startup scripts in some fashion. Then just issue a wget command and you’re good.

I know LibreElec does this for sure.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2023-08-30, 23:44)phunkyfish Wrote: I’m pretty sure kody supports startup scripts in some fashion. Then just issue a wget command and you’re good.

I know LibreElec does this for sure.

how about -

combined with -

then no need for wget
Thanks but my Kodi unit is a Vero 4K which is permanently turned on so that wouldn't help. For me, the best solution would be for the PVR client to be able call a Kodi package. Maybe I'll try to see if I can monitor the system with a cronjob for the enigma client to be active and launch wget if that's the case. It seems that it's not visible to PS so I'll have to think of something different.

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Run script as an WOL equivalent?0