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Trying to setup Simple IPTV client in Kodi Nexus. I see where the M3U url goes but where do I enter the username & password from my IPTV Supplier? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I've searched but didn't find any basic instructions on setting up IPTV simple client. If it's more involved than just entering the url, password, and username, (and I suspect it is), a link to what's needed would also be greatly appreciated.

You’ll need to provide your credentials within the m3u url, something along the lines of

You now get the general idea.
That's what I did. Kodi just restarted and everything I entered was gone. Maybe I had a typo. I'll try again.
Thanks for your reply.
I reentered my credentials and kodi seemed to accept them. I closed & reopened kodi, clicked on tv tab and the "categories" came up. Clicked on guide and it opens but it's empty. I click on channels and it opens but is also empty.
Don't know what I'm missing. Any ideas?
When I reopen kodi it says creating iptv clients, it's at 50% doesn't seem to go any further, goes away and is replaced by the clock and nothing else happens. It's still empty.
Entered my credentials and now when kodi starts it says "creating pvr client-66%
Simple iptv pvr client"
But it seems like it's stuck there. Every time I open it it says 66%. I don't how to get it to finish. Do I need to start over and try again or just keep waiting?
Just leave it for a few hours. Depending on how large the files are it can take some time.

Some providers have 10s of thousands of channels which is crazy.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Got a new iptv provider and entered new credentials. Now IPTV simple client works but every time I open it its reloading everything for about 15 min. I set "refresh" to once a day but that doesn't seem to matter. If I walk away to do something for 10 min or so it shuts down and starts all over again. PVR manager says it's starting up, gets to 66% but never seems to finish.
I don't know if this is fixable or if I should start all over, reinstall kodi and re enter my credentials.
BTW, I am trying to get my iptv provider to trim the number of countries and channels they provide and they say it is coming. I don't know how much that will help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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