TMDB Artwork Mixed Bag When Scraping
I am working on some code that scrapes info from TMDB for Movies/Shows/Episodes.

The backdrop_path and poster_path are fine for the most part but I wanted to add clearlogo to the scraped artwork.

In doing so, I decided since it requires an extra request to get /images I would actually try to use most of that artwork and use the backdrop/poster as a backup default.

But now, I am getting a mixed bag of posters - some are 4K BluRay covers, some are 'comic' style art and in 1 case it has the 'Unrated' label across the top.

There is no information I can see being returned to indicate what type of poster it is, my listing is of Trakt Trending so there is no need for a BluRay cover or an 'Unrated' label and I actually find the comic art misleading.


Has anyone come up with a method to sort out types to get just a normal poster?

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