Jumpy video playback when streaming NextPVR (all other playback is fine)
Brand new Lenovo IdeaCentre 3i Desktop - 13th Gen Intel Core i5-13400, ethernet connection, 16 GB memory, 512 GB SSD. 

Fresh install of Kodi. Streaming from a Windows 11 server using Jellyfin (latest) direct paths and NextPVR.

I've got everything humming so the video is good except for videos that are created (PVR'd) using NextPVR. NextPVR is on the server and writes the recording there. It doesn't matter how I play the files in Kodi (through the TV option or through File Manager) I get jumpy, ragged playback. Checking the file on the server, it does not have the jumpiness. 

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what is going on. A log is below. I start Kodi and play the recording (Survivor). 


I'm no good at reading these logs - hopefully someone can translate for me and tell me if there is something I need to change to get smooth playback. Please let me know if you need any more info. Thanks in advance!
It looks like your recordings are all going through "urldefense.com".

023-10-14 12:15:11.901 T:14456   debug <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.nextpvr: Buffer::Open() called! [ https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://192.1...Kv064D0ipx$  ]
2023-10-14 12:15:11.902 T:6484    debug <general>: Loading settings for pvr://recordings/tv/active/Survivor/Survivor, TV%20(KDKA-HD), 20231011_235925, 906.pvr
2023-10-14 12:15:11.904 T:14456   debug <general>: CurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Open - <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://;!!NHLzug!PbcpO8KFchhqHmUkCqvetR927s3rGcC0m8JGH8qctL0thRaPo034Uth8l-JQ3vJl_W5w900KmLSTTeKv064D0ipx$ >
2023-10-14 12:15:11.936 T:7912    debug <general>: CVideoGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem(pvr://recordings/tv/active/Survivor/Survivor, TV%20(KDKA-HD), 20231011_235925, 906.pvr)

It may be due to the security software on your new PC.
Oops. I guess I can't paste logs from my work PC. Smile

This one should be correct (I hope):

When you say File Manager do you mean the Kodi Video Library?  If so that would indicate the problem is not NextPVR related and you probably need to have the core Kodi developers look at Video Library logs.  What client are you testing on the server?

If it isn't bandwidth, I suspect the issue could be in these lines even if it seems your monitor does support the resolution.

2023-10-14 12:15:18.144 T:7912 debug <general>: [WHITELIST] No resolution matched
2023-10-14 12:15:18.144 T:7912 info <general>: Display resolution ADJUST : Generic PnP Monitor #1: 3840x2160 @ 24.00Hz (16) (weight: 0.000)

If you tell Kodi not to adjust video playback do things improve? 

I would also change the PVR fall back framerate to 59.94  in PVR Settings->Playback.


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Jumpy video playback when streaming NextPVR (all other playback is fine)0