Android Probably a basic question about Koid, Android, and Python
I've tried searching the web but can't get this basic info.

Is Python installed as part of Kodi or as part of the OS of the box Kodi is running on?

I have kodi 19.5 running on an android box that is running Android 5.1.1 API level 22.  If it has python installed, how would I know, and how would I get the version number?

I'm trying to install an addon from zip and getting a message saying it requires python 2.20.0, so again how do I / where do I see the python version (if I have it)?   And where can I find the most recent python version that I can run on this 5.1.1 version of android?
python versions

2.20.0 is Kodi v15 (may be compatible with v16-18)

python is compiled into Kodi (but on linux it can use system installed dependencies)

if you are installing another developer's addon then they should know what versions of Kodi they are supporting and have written the code to run on
The add-on is made for Kodi 18 or older.

On all platforms except Linux, python is bundled as part of the app. A large change from python 2 to 3 was done as part of the transition between Kodi 18 and 19, and Kodi 19+ requires python 3.0.0 versioning for add-ons
I changed the version in the xml file from 2.20.0 to 3.0.0 and then re-zipping but I get an invalid structure error when trying to install, so I guess this isin't going to work...
(2023-11-22, 05:46)Sumguy Wrote: I changed the version in the xml file from 2.20.0 to 3.0.0 and then re-zipping but I get an invalid structure error when trying to install, so I guess this isin't going to work...
what addon, where did you download it?

v3.0.8-boeboe from github
ah i see

well it doesn't appear they encrypt their streams so no addon is actually needed

if you dig out the url from

you get

then you can put that into a .strm file and play it directly in kodi

any other streams are likely to work, just open the developer panel in your browser and search for m3u8 urls
I tried that URL on VLC but it didn't work.  But - this does work:

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Probably a basic question about Koid, Android, and Python0