Solved Kodi Sometimes Crashes/Freezes When Adjusting Volume
I have this problem on multiple Windows 10 computers, sometimes when I start playing a video if I go and adjust the volume right away it will cause Kodi to crash/freeze and the only solution is the hard boot the computer by holding down the power button, ctrl/alt/del does not work. I'm not able to replicate the problem every time but almost every time. Once the video gets playing i can change the volume it's generally just right at the start of playing something like there's an issue with buffering or something.

On one computer I'm using a Harmony remote on the other computer it's an old Media Centre remote. If I check the Kodi logs I don't see anything referencing the issue, even with debugging turned on, the windows event viewer is the same, nothing that points to anything. I've tried changing the audio output device settings with no difference, tried wasapi and directsound settings. One computer is passing through audio to a dedicated amp, the other computer is sending the audio to the tv.

At one time I thought it could be the windows on screen volume overlay that causes the crash so I installed an app that prevents the on screen volume overlay from being displayed but still have the problem.

I'm guessing if I'm having the problem on multiple computers others must be having the same issue but I can't find any forum posts about this problem and google searches turn up little or nothing so I'm hoping someone in this forum can help.


Hi there, it's not a common problem. I think your debug log is going to be needed for more information on the system.

A common point seems to be the use of remotes, what happens with a keyboard, and do you change Windows volume (multimedia keys volume up/down) or Kodi's volume (-/+)?
Changing the volume while using passthrough on is not going to work, due to the nature of passthrough. Volume can only be adjusted on amp then.

Having to reboot to unfreeze probably means a driver problem or instability of the pc...
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I think I may have solved the problem.

I did some online researching for general PC crashing when changing the volume and found some gamers pointing to an issue with fullscreen vs. border-less window settings and I started digging into display settings in Kodi and disabled the option to "Use Fullscreen Window" and that appears to have fixed the problem for now.

I should note that both of my Kodi systems are dual monitor systems and this might have something to do with the problem. I realized the other day that the problem started happening on my second Kodi system after I added a second monitor. I'm not exactly sure why my solution has fixed the problem or what was even causing it in the first place but I'm just glad it's resolved, I think.

It was very odd that the problem was happening on my Kodi system with audio pass through enabled as changing the volume via remote has no affect on the audio from the computer but would still cause a crash. I believe I may have been correct when thinking the Windows 10 volume on screen overlay could be the culprit, somehow overlaying that graphic when Kodi has two displays configured to use full screen window can cause a crash? Both computers have Nvidia cards so it could be an Nvidia issue as well, just speculation though.


Quote:"Use Fullscreen Window" and that appears to have fixed the problem for now.

As to the why, it's not clear and could be any of the suggested reasons or something out of left field.

Thread marked solved.

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Kodi Sometimes Crashes/Freezes When Adjusting Volume0