Backup or Build, Latest Apple TV os and Xcode.
so In the past after setting up my Kodi on my Apple TV and getting it just right.  I would use Xcode download package and save or backup the build I had just made. then use that file on all my Apple TVs to update Kodi to that build by doing the replace package option.  since the lastest updates from apple (17 tvOS and Xcode). im seeing errors and not able to install Kodi the old traditional ways or even use the the package option. has this been fixed or does this not work any longer and or is there another way.  I have tried many of the backup addons and I always get errors. im guessing since apple locks down the device you can't read or write to it using the addons.  need help to with this.
I had to update to the latest Xcode (15.1) yesterday to get things working right with tvOS 17.2 Even the resigna script was failing to sign all the binary addons.  It also fixed the previous reported problem of not being able to install from Xcode (a bundle error or something like that).

yes, Xcode release notes say that 15.1 solved those stupid errors

or just keep using version < 15
Thank you, I will delete all and reinstall fresh and update and build again. thanks for the fast response.
so I got it to install like it used to work.  is it me,  I dont see a download or up load container status.  I can see the file changing size but there is nothing showing change in the bar at the top.
well just tried to download a container. never showed any status in the top bar like it used to.  so I watched the file that it downloaded.  when It finished I tried to replace the container and got a error.
this is just part of the error The provided file path could not be opened: No such file or directory
Code: 11007
Following. I am getting exactly this error. Frustrating :-(

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Backup or Build, Latest Apple TV os and Xcode.0
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